
Hi, I’m Britt!

I’ve had the honor of birthing two beautiful girls and am consciously raising them as an intuitive mother. Join this 1 hour training as I share the EXACT method that led me here.

Learn how to create more self-love and healing if you are thinking about conceiving or called to embrace a conscious mama journey. Clear any old karma and trauma so you don’t take it with you through your conception, pregnancy and birth journey and break passing it on to your children! This masterclass will give you practical tools and spiritual wisdom to get into your feminine magic and pave the way for all the abundance on your motherhood journey.

This is just the beginning! Get ready to receive tapped in guidance on how to move through pregnancy, birth and postpartum with ease and begin to unlock your

mother's intuition.


✔ My 4-step method for spiritual conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood to manifest the experience you want for yourself AND your baby

✔ What it means to CONSCIOUSLY conceive, birth, and do pregnancy and motherhood and how to approach with faith and confidence OVER fear (Psst - it doesn’t have to be scary, challenging or painful!)

✔ How to clear traumas, emotional traumas and limiting beliefs so you can step into the motherhood portal with strength (generational trauma and motherwounding stops here!)

✔ How to give yourself the love and healing you deserve and experience a beautiful, abundant and JOY-FILLED transformation through your journey to motherhood

✔ The steps you can take to strengthen your own conscious and spiritual practice so you can raise a conscious family and feel clear in EVERY decision as a mother or mother-to-be!

An invitation to be guided further if you need more support throughout your journey! I’ve got you Mama!

Pssst! Stay until the end for special bonuses!

“This journey has been unbelievable so far -- from being tremendously fearful of pregnancy (my mother & brother almost died in childbirth when I was 4) to consciously working through these traumas and shifting my mindset around labor, I feel excited, anxious, and energized for this experience. I'll be spending these next few weeks "marathon training" with meditation, pilates, kundalini, education, and hypnobirthing every day. I'm grateful to have an amazing husband, doula, midwife team and this community with me during my journey!”
- Allie

“I have had 3 babies all unmedicated and at home. I wouldn’t change the experience! I used essential oils throughout the experience, and like Allison I armed myself with hypbobirthing tools. It was a very empowering experience, and my body literally did it for me because I trusted it and each baby. You can do it!!!” - Elizabeth

“Working with Britt has been life-changing. It has helped me heal and clear so many blocks and core wounds and energy. Britt channels guidance from higher realms and with Britt has been one of the best decisions and investments in my life!!! She’s generous, loving and a pure light in this world. Her channeled guidance has proven true time and time again” - Laura

Meet Britt

Britt is co-creator of Elevate the Globe, Studio Intune and The Conscious Bump. Britt embodies a high vibrational lifestyle and way of conceiving, birthing and raising her children and is so passionate about it!

She is a Kundalini yoga instructor as well as pregnancy and postpartum kundalini teacher, reiki practitioner and intuitive healer here to raise consciousness on the planet.

Britt became a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and teaches thousands of others how to use this practice to elevate their consciousness and has worked with thousands of mothers to shift the experience into an empowered portal of growth and evolution! She is the mother to Everest and Finnlyn and went through the conception, pregnancy and now motherhood journey very different than most and is now here to share it!

Britt manifested getting pregnant easily and had two successful and healthy pregnancies and natural births (one in the car which she shares about in this training!) using the Awakened Mother Method with Kundalini yoga and meditation throughout pregnancy as well as Hypnobirthing techniques during pregnancy and delivery.

The transmission of energy she provides ignites people from all walks of life to uplevel and step into their power as happy, healthy, and abundant humans elevating the globe and she can’t wait for The Awakened Motherhood Method Masterclass to light you up!